Expert Advice for Buying, Selling and Everything Else about Web Domain Names
Top Questions
Q. Is there any way to buy a domain before it drops?
(1 answers, 815 views, 1 votes )Asked by: Chris on 3/19/2010 10:07:22 PM -07:00domainsexpireddrop -
Q. What is a TLD (top level domain)?
(1 answers, 813 views, 0 votes )Asked by: Surfer on 2/8/2010 11:23:18 PM -08:00domainsctld -
Q. Tool for finding expired domains?
(1 answers, 781 views, 1 votes )Asked by: martin on 11/29/2010 7:36:35 PM -08:00dropexpire -
Q. Does logo design increase the value of a domain name?
(0 answers, 776 views, 1 votes )Asked by: jorge on 2/16/2010 11:28:16 PM -08:00salesdomainslogodesign -
Q. Is it possible to get a domain name that is not available?
(1 answers, 763 views, 1 votes )Asked by: tucson on 10/19/2009 8:41:38 PM -07:00domain -
Q. What is a ccTLD?
(1 answers, 754 views, 0 votes )Asked by: Surfer on 2/8/2010 11:23:53 PM -08:00domains -
Q. What should I do once I get a great domain name?
(1 answers, 751 views, 2 votes )Asked by: Domain Questioner on 2/7/2010 9:00:01 PM -08:00domains -
Q. What are the advantages of a .com vs. a .net or .org?
(0 answers, 751 views, 0 votes )Asked by: tucson on 10/19/2009 9:08:47 PM -07:00 -
Q. Who owns the most domains in the world?
(0 answers, 740 views, 0 votes )Asked by: jorge on 10/18/2009 11:04:46 PM -07:00statisticsdomain -
Q. What is "dual track" UDRP?
(0 answers, 736 views, 1 votes )Asked by: Chris on 3/10/2010 6:36:24 AM -08:00udrpdomains -
Q. Are sub-domains a part of the main web site or a separate web site?
(1 answers, 731 views, 1 votes )Asked by: Tailored PC Documents on 8/22/2010 3:59:31 PM -07:00sub-domains -
Q. Does running Google Adsense increase a site's ranking in Google search?
(0 answers, 729 views, 0 votes )Asked by: jorge on 10/28/2009 4:35:22 PM -07:00googleadsenseseo -
Q. I heard you can now buy .MX domains (Mexico)
(2 answers, 721 views, 0 votes )Asked by: jorge on 10/27/2009 5:03:56 PM -07:00ctld -
Q. What about domain names with accents in them?
(0 answers, 711 views, 0 votes )Asked by: jorge on 1/3/2010 10:30:05 PM -08:00domains -
Q. How do you know how many direct "type ins" for a keyword or search term?
(1 answers, 698 views, 1 votes )Asked by: Nick on 11/1/2010 9:46:29 PM -07:00domainsnoob -
Q. What's your most embarassing moment as a domainer?
(1 answers, 691 views, 1 votes )Asked by: jorge on 2/20/2010 12:46:39 AM -08:00domains -
Q. Is there a complete list of the new top level domains?
(0 answers, 682 views, 1 votes )Asked by: jorge on 3/17/2010 2:45:53 PM -07:00domainstld -
Q. Do you have any experience in registering a domain with a .asia extension?
(1 answers, 662 views, 0 votes )Asked by: ryan reid on 9/10/2010 7:18:49 PM -07:00domains -
Q. Where can I get lists of recently sold domains?
(0 answers, 653 views, 1 votes )Asked by: Chris on 3/10/2010 6:33:55 AM -08:00salesdomainsdatabase