Expert Advice for Buying, Selling and Everything Else about Web Domain Names
Top Questions
Q. How is it possible that most combination of two meaningful words are already used?
(1 answers, 1359 views, 1 votes )Asked by: tucson on 10/19/2009 9:34:14 PM -07:00domain -
Q. What are the rules for a .EDU domain?
(1 answers, 1356 views, 1 votes )Asked by: jorge on 4/20/2010 2:40:45 PM -07:00domains -
Q. What are the best content aggregators for domainers?
(1 answers, 1349 views, 0 votes )Asked by: jorge on 2/10/2010 4:39:31 AM -08:00domainsaggregator -
Q. Where should I list my domains for sale?
(0 answers, 1339 views, 0 votes )Asked by: george on 4/11/2011 4:32:09 PM -07:00salesdomain -
Q. How do I get more traffic to come to my domain?
(4 answers, 1308 views, 1 votes )Asked by: Craig on 10/21/2009 6:05:25 PM -07:00noobtraffic -
Q. Are domain names "property"?
(1 answers, 1307 views, 0 votes )Asked by: tina on 9/1/2011 12:15:01 PM -07:00legal -
Q. What is the best TLD?
(2 answers, 1305 views, 1 votes )Asked by: jorge on 10/17/2009 5:32:49 PM -07:00domainentrepreneur -
Q. Is it legal to own the domain name of a politician? (not yourself)
(1 answers, 1292 views, 0 votes )Asked by: michelle 1 on 12/10/2009 6:13:47 PM -08:00legal -
Q. Domains ending with
(2 answers, 1286 views, 0 votes )Asked by: Cedrick Reese on 11/23/2009 2:26:31 PM -08:00domaining -
Q. Safest way to transfer a domain?
(2 answers, 1270 views, 0 votes )Asked by: jorge on 10/29/2009 5:37:14 AM -07:00salesdomaintransfer -
Q. What is the benefit of a private registration?
(2 answers, 1263 views, 1 votes )Asked by: markwr on 10/17/2009 4:20:35 PM -07:00domainregistrationprivate -
Q. Do keywords in a domain name help with SEO?
(2 answers, 1250 views, 0 votes )Asked by: jorge on 12/1/2011 2:39:31 PM -08:00seokeywords -
Q. Should I host my sites with the Domain registrar?
(4 answers, 1240 views, 0 votes )Asked by: markwr on 10/17/2009 4:18:49 PM -07:00domainregistrarhosting -
Q. Can you recommend a good UDRP attorney?
(1 answers, 1233 views, 0 votes )Asked by: tina on 9/16/2011 11:35:55 AM -07:00udrp -
Q. What was the first domain name you ever registered?
(2 answers, 1228 views, 0 votes )Asked by: jorge on 10/29/2009 10:37:41 PM -07:00domainregistration -
Q. How To Approach the seller of a Parked Domain?
(1 answers, 1225 views, 1 votes )Asked by: jorge on 12/12/2009 5:05:34 PM -08:00domains -
Q. What are SOPA and PIPA?
(1 answers, 1222 views, 0 votes )Asked by: jorge on 1/20/2012 1:00:47 PM -08:00legal -
Q. Of the domains you own, which is your favorite?
(1 answers, 1204 views, 0 votes )Asked by: jorge on 10/19/2009 7:33:07 PM -07:00domainopinion -
Q. How much does it cost to defend against a domain UDRP?
(1 answers, 1178 views, 0 votes )Asked by: tina on 9/16/2011 11:33:56 AM -07:00udrp -
Q. Which web servers are used on the most domains?
(1 answers, 1175 views, 0 votes )Asked by: george on 6/7/2011 9:45:09 AM -07:00web-servers