michelle 1 Asked... 1 votes

Q. Does having the right domain name improve Google ranking for a site?

If my domain name has keywords in it, like "dog food" for dogfood.com, does that help me rank higher in Google?

Tags: domain google page-rank

2 Answers

  • James Answered... 1 votes

    Sure does, it gets a #1 ranking. For example this site"foundit.com.au" ranks high for foundit. Give it a go! cheers

    11/7/2009 9:43:53 PM -08:00
  • jorge Answered... 0 votes

    Here is a GREAT discussion on this topic. A great domain name does seem to be very helpful for SEO, still in 2010.

    8/23/2010 5:27:48 PM -07:00