james2 Asked... 0 votes
Q. Do you like domains with the word "AND" in them?
Are domains with AND in the domain name worth registering?
1 Answers
jorge Answered... 0 votes
On my site, HotNamelist.com, I help people find domains. I've found that fewer than 0.5% domains regisitered thru my site include the word "AND". Mostly this is because you have at least a 3-word domain when using "AND", so those are already less popular.
Given that, some of the ones that are registered are not so bad. Here's a list of the ones that people have taken... good examples of decent 3-word domains:
- BallAndStick.com
- ForwardAndBackward.com
- DrinkAndEnjoy.com
- AtomsAndMolecules.com
- ToolsAndWidgets.com
- BradPittAndAngelina.com
- SpotAndStainRemover.com
- ComedyAndDrama.com
- CloningAndStemCells.com
- NotesAndIdeas.com
- HipHopAndHouse.com
- TravelDealsAndTips.com
- NectarAndPollen.com
- EmbassyAndConsulate.com
- WindowsAndLinux.com
- TipsAndToys.com
- SeedsAndSeedlings.com
- CapAndTradeBill.com
- SanitationAndHygiene.com
- CocoaAndChocolate.com
- PittAndAngelina.com
- OneAndOnlyGod.com
- DesignAndFineArt.com
- FacialAndBody.com
- LeavesAndGrass.com
- ComputerFraudAndAbuse.com
- ViolenceAndSex.com
- IphoneAppAndGame.com
- HotelsAndCarRental.com
- TheseusAndTheMinotaur.com
- MoneyAndInflation.com
- FeastsAndFestivals.com
- KneeAndHipReplacements.com
- FoodAndBeverageMarket.com
- FireplacesAndChimneys.com
- OilAndSpices.com
- CatsAndMonkeys.com
- DataStructuresAndAlgorithms.com
- CareAndService.com
6/7/2010 7:07:27 PM -07:00