1 Answers
jorge Answered... 0 votes
Typosquatting is trying to take advantage of mistakes that users make when typing web addresses into web browsers. Typically this involves registering a domain that contains common typing errors for a real domain, then trying to make money from it.
Typosquatters are people who register domains with typos in them.
For example, the popular site Wikipedia.com is victim of typosquatters:
en.wiipedia.org, en.wikpedia.org, www.eikipedia.org, www.wilipedia.org, en.wikipedi.org, en.wikipediia.org, www.wikipedi.com, en.wikipedai.org, and www.wikipaedia.org as of 2007[update], are all websites which contain pop-up ads, spyware/adware downloads, and ad-generating search engines.
2/9/2010 4:29:43 AM -08:00